09 November 2009

Khaas Aadmi vs. Aam Aadmi

Overtime wages paid to dignitaries and other government officials

for attending a “state function” on the weekend :---------------------------- Rs. 20850.00

Security by police contingent, men who would otherwise have been at the

local-pub/football match on a Saturday inclusive of the

presentation of "Reverse Arms" :------------------------------------------- Rs. 16200.00

Cleaning monument and surrounding area (once annually) for

the “tribute to the freedom fighter” :--------------------------------------- Rs. 8000.00

Transportation (one official's air-dash from Delhi to attend the photo-op) :--Rs. 16750.00

Decoration (red carpet, flowers, buntings and brass vessels) :---------------Rs 7230.00

Cost of press photograph to local daily :------------------------------------ Rs.6000.00

Payment of grant to Freedom Fighters Association for

keeping the illusion alive :------------------------------------------------- Rs.36000.00

Post function refreshments of Tea/Coffee/Soft Drinks and Snacks :--------Rs.11300.00 +VAT

GRAND TOTAL COST TO PUBLIC EXCHEQUER :----------------------- Rs.122330.00 +

Pleasure of afternoon siesta, on the cool clean granite of the monument,

with the scent of fresh cut flowers despite being labeled a vagabond by angry

photographer of rival newspaper who missed the function:------------------ PRICELESS !!!!

Aam Aadmi rules !!!!