My fellow Indian Citizens! I wrote this interesting little nugget and would like to share with all of my wonderful fans out there.
Who am I kidding, NOBODY reads this drivel.
Sad to say but a former Patriotic Indian has switched over to the "Dark Side" and has decided not to vote ever again. Always a shame when that happens.
And now for your enjoyment I proudly present:
'National (In) Security we can believe in.'
I'm not voting because I believe the government can do a better job of spending the money I earn than I would.
I'm not voting because freedom of speech is fine as long as nobody (except a radical Hindu, Muslim, Christian or a Politician) is offended by it.
I'm not voting because when we send our cricket team to Pakistan I trust that the bad guys will stop what they're doing because they NOW think we're good people.
I'm not voting because I believe that people who can't safeguard our borders from just 10 (count them on your fingers - TEN) terrorists, talk about us being a superpower and play around sending rockets to the moon.
I'm not voting because I'm not concerned about the slaughter of innocents in Mumbai and the rape and slaughter of Christian in Orissa so long as we keep the Parliament attacker death row inmate alive for political expediency.

I'm not voting because I believe that business should NOT be allowed to make profits for stockholders (provident funds, employee benefits, etc). They need to break even and give the rest away to the government as excise, income, sales and service taxes for redistribution as government bureaucrats see fit i.e. the moon rocket and the time money and energy wasted on the Indo-US Nuclear agreements.
I'm not voting because I believe three or four pointy headed “Marathi Manooses” need to rewrite the Constitution every few days to suit some kooks and goondas who would NEVER get their agendas past level-headed voters.
I'm not voting because I believe that when the terrorists don't have to hide from us over THERE, and they come over HERE (and they ALREADY HAVE!), I do not even have a cricket bat in the house to fight them off, because all the armed security being provided in the country is only for the politician.
I'm not voting because I love the fact that I can drive any way I want on the roads and not follow any rules whatsoever.
I'm not voting because I believe oil companies' accumulated losses on every litre of gas is obscene, but the GOVERNMENT TAX on gas at 19% isn't.
I'm not voting because I don't want India to look at harnessing solar, wind and alternative energy to save it’s environment from degradation, but will continue to depend on importing petroleum products, as well as allowing other countries to use our shores as dumping grounds for their toxic wastes.
I'm not voting because I want the Parliament to continue to be adjourned to avoid any vote on aam aadmi betterment programmes.
I'm not voting because I believe that 500+ people most of whom have criminal records and whom I would not hire to clean my toilet, have enough combined experience to run the whole country!! (into the ground)
I'm not voting because we need a leader like our P.M. with the charisma and wisdom that tells us that India has yet to undertake police reforms and that, “existing laws will be tightened to ensure that there are no loopholes….” also that, “the PEOPLE of India will rise unitedly to face this grave challenge….” He never mentions the politicians. Now this is wisdom.' WOW!

I'm not voting because I WANT TO PAY for bad roads, improper town and country planning, power shortages, no running tap water, pollution of my environment, no law and order, non-existent health care, poor education, reservation policies. This too, is a legacy of wisdom bequeathed by our politicians for over 60 years of independence! DOUBLE WOW!
I'm not voting because I want to pay bribes to all those corrupt babus for any public service, licences, permits, papers I might need, to carry on my daily existence as a bona fide citizen of India. TRIPLE WOW!
But mostly I'm not voting because I'm happy for anyone who makes more illegal money than me; and I expect the government to help them make more through deals like the 3G Spectrum telecom scam, so that the Swiss Banks can add to the already more than 1.5 trillion dollars squirreled away by politicians and other notorious notaries in their notoriety, from India. So that when anarchy does finally reign supreme in this fair nation, they can happily live in luxurious comfort befitting political refugees in the good ol’ US of A. DRUMROLL… BADOM BADOM TISH!
See ya at the Malegaon blast hearings next week.
Thanks for looking,
To all those who died and gave their lives in this senseless massacre in Mumbai.... the whole world weeps with me, go with God and forever rest in peace.