….and on the 5th day of April there was a conflict in New Delhi. And it came to pass that all the Champagne was consumed in the euphoria of winning the Cricket World Cup. And the Congress Mom said unto her Yes Prime Minister, “They have no more grievances.”
But Anna Hazare said unto the multitude,”Hey! I have an oldie, but goodie! What about corruption? And I say unto you, if I fast unto death I will lead you out of the darkness and into the light”
And Anna said unto the gathering,” Build me a stage with a backdrop of the image of the Mahatma imprinted upon it.
And when Anna did lie down on the stage and begin his fast thence did Government sit up and take notice.
And as the crowds gathered, the Government knew not from whence they came. But the Aam Aadmi did. And they applauded loudly in the streets.And the Government became afraid. And they said unto Anna,” How the hell did you do that?” and enquired of him,” Do you do children’s parties?” And Anna said, “No.”
But the Aam Aadmi did press him saying, “Go on! Give us another one!” And he brought forth a carrot and said,”Behold this! For it is the democratic carrot.” And all about him knew that it was so. For it was orange, with a green top.
And he did place a silk handkerchief over the carrot and then removed it, and lo! He held in his hand a white dove.
And all were amazed and said, “This guy is really good. He should turn professional.”
And they brought to him on a stretcher a nation that was dying of corruption. And they cried unto him, “Maestro! This nation is dying of corruption.” And Anna said,” If I had to spend my whole life trying to make a fast buck, I’d probably be dying of corruption too.”
And they were filled with joy, and cried out, “Thy one-liners are as good as thy tricks. Thou art indeed an all-round family entertainer.”
And there came unto him a woman called Kiran Bedi, and others who had seen the Gandhian and believed. And Anna said unto them,”Put on a topi and fast unto death alongside me.”
And three of the satyagrahis fainted and had to be given medication. And there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth. And Anna said, “Oh! Ye! Of little faith!”
And he continued his fast for another day and lo! The Government did relent.
Then the crowds went absolutely bananas. And Anna, Kiran Bedi, Arvind Kejriwal and others took a big bow.
And Anna said unto them,” From now on you shall be known as the First Citizens of the Uncorrupted Kind or F.C.U.K. for that is a good name for a bunch of assistants.”
And the people said, “We’ve never seen anything like this. THIS is great! You must be the Mahatma!”
But the Gandhian said, “No. I am He who comes after.”
And they were so amazed and said,” Then Master how shall we know a true leader?”
And Anna said, “By his name shall you know him. And he may be called Narendra Modi and Nitish Kumar may he also be called.”
“Narendra Modi?” they cried. And Anna said, “Yes, or something like that.” …….Inquilab Zindabaad !.