Kudos to Muntazer al-Zaidi, the shoe-i-cide bomber, with a lousy temper and even lousier aim. He really took one on the chin for team Iraq.... or as Georgie Bush would say "Eye-Rack" even though he was not referring to Sarah Palin.
Personally methinx throwing the shoes made for a great Nike ad..... "Just Do It" or a perfect line from an old Clint Eastwood movie, George W.saying: "Go ahead make my day"
Although CNN really made the mother of all discoveries when they said, "In Iraqi culture throwing shoes at a person is considered an insult" Wow!! Can anyone tell me in which part or the world is throwing shoes considered a compliment!?? Certainly not in the hallowed halls of the Indian Parliament or Secretariats.... the difference being that some chappals actually land with good effect.
There were not one but TWO presidents on the podium that fateful day... and there were not one but TWO shoes thrown as well... unfortunately both missed... since George W., so used to ducking issues, managed adroitly to avoid being hit by these as well. The question to be asked here is "Where was the famed secret service??" In the event of danger to the President of the United States they are supposed to even leap in front of a speeding bullet!! I suppose speeding shoes are not listed in their operating manuals as dangerous weapons.

To return to the brogues of our reporter however we are sad to inform you that we have not elicited a confession as to the origin of said footwear, nor of style. For instance were they leather, denim or suede. Were they strap-ups or lace-ups or slip-ons. Were they produced in the Asian sweat shops or in an Italian Fashion house. Were they Oxfords or Espadrilles, Mocassins or Balmorals... although one wag was heard to comment on the scribes "loafers". One thing is for is certain, we will never know for they were summarily burnt right after the incident; to the disappointment of shoe collectors everywhere.
George W. Bush confirmed that at least he was the most fit President America has ever had..... just not fit to be the President.
Our Iraqi correspondent tells us that the shoes were destroyed as Homeland Security declared them to be weapons of mass destruction. Imagine that!Finally ! Closure !!