I can’t say I’m the first person to rant about this and I’m sure as hell not going to be the last but is there anything more asinine in this world than the fact that in 2010 there still are sports which refuse to embrace technology?? I am so sick and tired of watching a perfectly well-played game get decided because some half-blind referee made a bone-head call.
It is completely ridiculous that in the World Cup, watched closely by more people in the world than any other sporting event, including the Beijing Olympics, some referees are the only ones apparently not watching the game and THEY are the ones who decide the outcome!!
Last month Kaka was denied a perfect game because some fat referee was scratching his haemorrhoids at the time of Keita’s faking a nose bleed.
The so-called “human element” is one of the dumbest concepts in the history of the game. Maybe a century ago before television this was an excuse, but in 2010 when every person in the stadium has a smart phone able to stream an instant replay in seconds, it’s ridiculous that the referee can’t possibly ask for the same thing.
Frankly football has so many completely convoluted rules you could write a book. Football is so ass-backwards that they don’t even have the clock tick down like any normal sport, they have it ticking up. As for the extra-time; no one knows how much time it will be because the clock is kept on the field. This is like boxing where the 2 boxers fight it out with no idea how far into the round they are. Then there is the lame–brain off-side rule, and don’t get me started on the equally retarded penalty-corner that is more in favour of the defending team. And what are those Adidas’ Jabulani balls made of? Flubber?!!
This World Cup, which has been great, will be remembered primarily for those stupid vulvazelas,(yes, I call them that because they do send out genital noises). I bet South Africa would not have been selected to host the world cup had the selection committee but known about them, and even though their team was not favored to win, the South African fans blew away all other nations in the competition for the title of “Most Irritating Sound Made In Any Tournament”. You knew this because they would constantly entertain the public with mass ear-bleeding.
Second place of course would go to the total amount of blown calls by the refs. FIFA in its stupidity keeps throwing the “human element” at us which is an argument you only make when you have no argument to make.
Why can’t they review a goal? How many major matches have to be decided by “human error”?
Whether it’s the “Hand of God”, the “Hand of Congress(I)” or just the good old “Hand Job” someone has to blow (pun intended)some sense into FIFA. How many times do you need your biggest games decided by the worst calls? Crucial goals were taken off the board because of calls that were so blatantly bad they could have been correctly called by Kaka’s 70 year old grandmother Vera.
If FIFA should have learnt anything, it is that on their biggest stage their refereeing system is the laughing stock of the world. No matter how many years you have played without replay it is time to join the 21st century, any moron that still claims that the human element adds something to the game must be living in the stone-age when balls were still cubes.
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