11 July 2009


The "eyes" have it!

And now direct from the Whitehouse and the “Ogle” Office of the President we present Mr. O“bum”a, like all red-blooded males checking out some prime Brazilian bum.

"Jailbait", you say? Of course! Look mamma! No hands! I don't hear a judge saying don't appreciate!

Finally! My man Barrack! Although I dare say the credit for making you appreciate true booty must be in large part due to being in the august and experienced company of Mr.Sarkozy.

I have no doubt that Michelle will have you sleeping on the couch when you get back home, but hey! I’m glad you finally are getting in touch with your inner Billy Clinton (formerly of the “Oral” office fame.)

Gives a new meaning to that “Second Stimulus Package” you were talking about recently. Good luck with that! And happy hunting.

1 comment:

  1. YEs, Obama looks like he's definitely getting in touch with his inner Billy (or should it be 'willy')
