08 January 2008

I'm back

Dam and begorrah and dagnabit !! Has it been that long ?!! I seem to have taken a hiatus* from my blog allllllll the way from September.

(*Hiatus: An opening, as in the diaphragm. When there is an unusually wide opening in the diaphragm, there can be a hiatus (or hiatal) hernia.
In Latin an hiatus is "an opening, gaping mouth, or chasm." It is derived from the verb "hiare" meaning "to gape or yawn." Therefore, a "hiatus" is a gaping opening in anything, such as the opening in a cliff leading into a cave or a break in the conversation in which nothing happens or is said.)

No I have not developed a hernia, and all said diaphragms are intact, nor have I fallen off a cliff or into any caves, so y'all can close your gaping mouths !

Thanx bro for reminding me that I had neglected "Feni Sunsets" right into the New Year (all that beer must have turned time fuzzy)

By the way for all you ardent fans of mine ( editor: " ARDENT??!! YEAH RIGHT!) Happy Kwannumas, that's Kwanza, Hannukah and Christmas in one word for the illiteratii and uninitiated in the new blogspeak, and here's wishing everyone gets lucky in the New Year ( winkety wink).

Much water has passed under the Mandovi bridges since my last literary attempt ( a lot of said water being passed by politicians who cross over daily to the secretariat, tourists off the cruise boats, fishermen, and sundry blokes off the pier, who get this insane urge to show you that what glitters in the moonlight is not gold!) and .......
I had an insane amount of (some unwelcome) visitors (moochers) to the new house.
In addition to dealing with travel to unwind from the stresses of moving/visitors/travel, I just lost track.....

Hey but I am back ( unlike Arnie Schwarzenbugger) and Fenisunsets will get frequent updates.

Cheers into the New Year and yeah Good Luck with all those resolutions !!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for visiting my blog. Looks like you have at lot of interesting reads here. BTW, I actually know quite a bit about hiatal hernia. Along with gastritis, I found out I have one two months ago. Of the two kinds of hernia you can have here, I have the better of the two. Still, knowing that part of my stomach protrudes through my esophagus gives me the heebies.
